NIT Fans Must Eradicate Head Lice

Every now and then, I google “NIT” to make sure there isn’t any news that, say, the NCAA has gotten rid of their pet tournament and reappointed the NIT to its deserving place of power. And every now and then, I have to scroll through some shit about lice to get to the good stuff.

It wasn’t until I was a good bit into my NIT-blogging career that I learned about this conflict. Nits are a thing, I guess, and that thing is the eggs of head lice. Terrible stuff. Responsible for millions upon millions of itchy heads, and thousands upon thousands of warnings not to put on another kid’s hat at the playplace.

Clearly, this is hurting the NIT. Hurting it badly. You’ve gotta be at the top of the search results for yourself. You just have to be at the top.

Which is why a mission for us, the NIT faithful, is clear:

We need to eradicate head lice.

I don’t know how. This isn’t where I tell us how. This is where I tell us that we have to figure out the how ourselves. And we should do it without making too much noise. No interviews. We’d hate to add even more fodder for Google to hold back the NIT’s greatness.

NIT fan. Joe Kelly expert. Milk drinker. Can be found on Twitter (@nit_stu) and Instagram (@nitstu32).
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One thought on “NIT Fans Must Eradicate Head Lice

  1. or
    you could embrace it! make the nit the official mascot of the NIT tournament. or give the current mascot lice. either way, take the easy road.

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