NIT Bracket Challenge: Who Wins Prizes in Each Remaining Scenario

Alright, guys, I combed through the NIT Bracket Challenge leaderboard just now, and unless I’m missing something (deadline is gametime tomorrow night to tell me if I’m missing something), we aren’t going to need tiebreakers, so I’ve been keeping public track of how many frozen pizzas I’ve been eating for nothing (eight so far this tournament, good chance I hit ten before the final buzzzer sounds).

Here, again, is the scoreboard, for those curious. On the celeb side, we may have a tiebreaker needed between Bennett Conlin, of Betting Collective, and Mike Bramante, a New York-based standup comedian who’s probably going through a lot right now with the NIT leaving town. If Texas A&M wins, they’ll be tied for the lead, and Bennett will win unless a large, negative number of players foul out (Bennett guessed 14 would, Mike guessed 10, we’re at 21 so far). There’s no prize for celebs (is not your fame and fortune reward enough??) but we might give them each some merchandise. If Xavier wins, non-issue, because if Xavier wins Joe Stunardi is our celebrity champion and Joe Stunardi hates merchandise.

Now, the scenarios. The top three brackets, each of whom will receive a prize or prizes (negotiable prizes, remember, but we’re going to start by offering merchandise and we do hold a lot of power in the negotiations, as those giving away the prizes) if…

Texas A&M Wins

If Texas A&M wins, it’s:

  • 1st Place: ArkyAg (I will be asking for clarity on if “Arky” signifies Arkansas or something unforeseen, like that you are Noah, which I guess is no longer unforeseen.)
  • 2nd Place: jamfed (Have you been eating a lot of jam, sir or ma’am? Tell us more.)
  • 3rd Place: BigBilliBoy (No questions here.)

Xavier Wins

If Xavier wins, it’s:

  • 1st Place: pete (the e e cummings of his time)
  • 2nd Place: Muskies Will Be Back (I hope this person’s talking about the Musketeers and not the carnivorous fish who haunt my dreams.)
  • 3rd Place: UtAggieman (Is the “Ut” here Utah? In that case are you a Utah State person or a Texas A&M person in Utah? Or is something else happening? If you’re a Texas A&M person in Utah, why Xavier to beat the Aggies? Emotional hedge? Lot of foresight, if so.)


That’s all. That’s who wins. The rest of us lose (but really we’re all winners because the NIT is rad).

NIT fan. Joe Kelly expert. Milk drinker. Can be found on Twitter (@nit_stu) and Instagram (@nitstu32).
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