NIT Bracket Challenge: Second Round Update, Part I

Forget about the NIT? That tends to happen on this Saturday. It can really sneak by a guy. It’s not sneaking by us, though. We knew about all three games that happened. And now, we’re going to tell you what they mean for you. As our reference guide, here are the updated standings.

  • After going 16-for-16 on the first round, James Boswell is 0-for-3 on the second round. We can only hope he goes 0-for-8. I’m sorry, James, but that would be remarkable. I would be so impressed. Throwing a perfect game is cool, but throwing a perfect game and then recording to fail an out in your next start? I can conceive of no greater accomplishment. James’s struggles have led to a four-way tie for first entering the huge day tomorrow.
  • Milwaukee Milkmen manager Anthony Barone remains in the lead on the celeb side, with stand-up comedian Mike Bramante in second place. Is the NIT some kind of joke to you, Mike?
  • I attended a Wake Forest NIT second round victory party tonight, and I’ve gotta say: It was the nicest NIT second round victory party I’ve ever attended. Lovely food, lovely décor, a nice little jar where you could put notes of advice for a couple getting married this fall (I told them about the nose hair thing), a champagne toast to the couple getting married this fall, lots of people in town from the families of the couple getting married this fall…just a really nice Wake Forest NIT second round victory party. Congratulations, Carolina and Devin. On Wake Forest’s NIT second round victory.

That’s about it for tonight. Tomorrow, we get the biggest day of our lives. I’d point you towards the previews of all five games we published this morning, but the Florida/Xavier one is already out of date with Xavier hiring Sean Miller. No crying in the bathroom now, Xavier fans. You have a dad again.

NIT fan. Joe Kelly expert. Milk drinker. Can be found on Twitter (@nit_stu) and Instagram (@nitstu32).
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