Mother’s Day Is the 8th-Best Holiday

Whoa whoa whoa, this isn’t my opinion. Don’t blame this on me! To me, Mother’s Day is the best holiday, because today is Mother’s Day and you can’t say anything bad about Mother’s Day on Mother’s Day. Ask me tomorrow, and my opinion will change, but thankfully, today is not tomorrow.

Two years ago, we did a very scientific study (a bracket mostly settled by Instagram votes) to identify which holidays people like the best. What did we find? Mother’s Day ranked 8th. In order, it came in behind Christmas, Christmas Eve, Thanksgiving, Independence Day, Memorial Day, St. Patrick’s Day, and New Year’s Day. It finished ahead of Easter (must have had a lot of Catholic voters). It narrowly edged Groundhog Day, New Year’s Eve, Valentine’s Day, and Mardi Gras (must not have had many Louisianan Catholics). Bastille Day? Mother’s Day blew Bastille Day out of the water. Bastille Day doesn’t have shit on Mother’s Day. I’d say that tomorrow, too, if asked. I’d say that on Bastille Day! Bastille Day sucks. No one celebrates it, and whenever somebody tries, some narc shows up and tells them it isn’t ok to riot and liberate a prison. If the Clausometer from the sleigh in Elf ran on Bastille Day spirit, Santa would have never been able to fly to Central Park in the first place.

Here are those full rankings. Don’t show them to your mom.

2Christmas Eve98.113
4Independence Day63.415
5Memorial Day48.780
6St. Patrick’s Day47.591
7New Year’s Day45.211
8Mother’s Day40.650
10Groundhog Day34.936
11New Year’s Eve34.783
12Valentine’s Day32.141
13Mardi Gras/Carnaval28.352
15Labor Day24.814
16Father’s Day23.415
17Earth Day22.396
19Presidents’ Day21.757
20Veterans Day20.988
21Canada Day19.512
22Lincoln’s Birthday18.560
25Martin Luther King Jr. Day17.730
28The Second Monday in October15.220
29Washington’s Birthday14.743
30Boxing Day14.738
31Election Day14.392
32All Saints Day14.098
33Good Friday13.385
34Eid al-Fitr13.328
35St. Nicholas Day13.217
36April Fools’ Day13.172
37Día de Muertos13.045
38Arbor Day13.008
39Ash Wednesday12.804
42Pearl Harbor Remembrance Day11.403
43May Day10.765
44Patriots’ Day10.362
45Patriot Day (9/11)10.159
46Flag Day9.756
47Mexican Independence Day9.544
48Guy Fawkes Night9.410
50Lunar New Year8.007
54All Souls Day6.330
56La Tomatina2.919
57Yom Kippur2.591
58Bastille Day2.487
60Texas Independence Day1.904
61Casimir Pulaski Day1.870
62Bodhi Day1.846
63Eid al-Adha1.218
64Rosh Hashanah1.126
NIT fan. Joe Kelly expert. Milk drinker. Can be found on Twitter (@nit_stu) and Instagram (@nitstu32).
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