Live. Laugh. Lane.

Mississippi beat Louisville last night, and with the Fighting Confederate Honorifics likely to be favored each of the next two weeks, there’s a chance they could be in, say, the top twenty when their trip to Tuscaloosa rolls around that first Saturday in October. Maybe the top fifteen, even. Depends what happens elsewhere.

Anyway, we could get Mississippi/Alabama with some with some hype attached. And whether we do or we don’t, I’d just like to submit to the ether that in addition to the whole “Lane Train” shebang, we should really be seeing some “Live. Laugh. Lane.” messaging out of Oxford. Shirts. Tweets. Handbags. Scarfs???? Fall’s coming, everybody. And you know Oxford loves it a good scarf in the fall.

NIT fan. Joe Kelly expert. Milk drinker. Can be found on Twitter (@nit_stu) and Instagram (@nitstu32).
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