Litchfield, Illinois has a great McDonald’s.

If you read the headline, you might have guessed this, but NIT Stu Eats America is coming back.

We’re not sure when—don’t worry, I won’t eat your country on its birthday—but sometime soon, the pages of The Internet™ will again be filled with comparisons between America’s most American eating establishments.

In part of the preparation for this, I paid a visit to the McDonald’s in Litchfield, Illinois last night.

An old Route 66 town in southern Illinois, Litchfield has only one McDonald’s, but it is a great one, no matter what Trip Advisor tells you (Three stars? Get over yourselves, reviewers.). Clean place. Great food. But as it often goes, the people are what made the experience.

I’ll give a full review when this place is eventually featured in the rollout of NIT Stu Eats America, but in the meantime, just know that if you’re in Litchfield and you’re wondering if the McDonald’s is up to your standards, the answer is yes.

And if it isn’t, you’re the problem.

NIT fan. Joe Kelly expert. Milk drinker. Can be found on Twitter (@nit_stu) and Instagram (@nitstu32).
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