Like Antonio Brown, I Have Experienced the Thrill of Hiding from My Boss.

I’m not sure how explicitly I’ve ever said this, but a big part of the story behind this blog is as follows:

I was working a corporate job.

There was restructuring.

I kept that job, but my responsibilities got shuffled around.

For most people with my same job title, this didn’t change much, but my work was unusually seasonal, so it translated into me having very little to do from January through March.

So I started hiding.

And I started blogging.

In addition to the personnel restructuring, there was physical remodeling going on, and the result was a few former meeting rooms were now effectively closets. They weren’t available to be reserved for meetings. People put junk in them. People never went to grab that junk.

I figured out where these were and started leaving my desk for prolonged periods of time to hide out in closets and blog about the NIT (and, as spring dawned, Joe Kelly). I was still online, but people had to instant message me if they really needed me, giving me time to save the blog draft, close out of that browser, and emerge.

It was a blast.

Anyway, I write all of this to say that the rumor about the Raiders not knowing where Antonio Brown is, if it’s true, wouldn’t be that unusual.

My boss never knew where I was.

I could’ve been anywhere. Upstairs. Downstairs. At home. In one of the aforementioned closets. In a meeting room on a different floor, where my friends and I would occasionally go to play Settlers of Catan (we did reserve those rooms—ostensibly for “strategy brainstorming sessions”). At one point, I was logging on from a Starbucks outside a sportsbook in Reno, despite my office being in Minneapolis.

Anyway, it wasn’t a big deal.

But then again, it was a tough habit to break, and eventually it led to me realizing I didn’t like my job all that much, which led to me quitting.

So actually, if the Raiders don’t want Antonio Brown to retire and start a cryotherapy/helmet blog, they might want to get him back to his desk. Just a word to the wise.

NIT fan. Joe Kelly expert. Milk drinker. Can be found on Twitter (@nit_stu) and Instagram (@nitstu32).
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