The Second Round of our License Plate Bracket is finished. Here’s what the bracket looks like now:

If you’d like to vote in the Round of 16, there are three ways to do so (and yes, you can vote on all three, but be cool about it). Voting closes around 5:00 PM EDT tomorrow (Sunday).
1. This Google Form:
2. Our Instagram stories:
3. This Twitter thread:
Link coming shortly, and so are the Instagram stories
Now, detailed results from the Second Round, with commentary and small previews of the Round of 16. We’ll start in the top left corner of the bracket:
1. Wyoming defeats 33. Louisiana, 36-5
Instagram: Wyoming 17, Louisiana 3
Twitter: Wyoming 10, Louisiana 0
Google Form: Wyoming 9, Louisiana 2
It was a good run, Louisiana, but Wyoming’s the real deal.
16. Washington defeats 17. New Hampshire, 22-20
Instagram: Washington 11, New Hampshire 9
Twitter: Washington 6, New Hampshire 5
Google Form: New Hampshire 6, Washington 5
This one really split the voting public. The license plates are similar in that they each use a mountain prominently. They are different in that (among other things) Washington’s mountain is bigger. Was that the deciding factor here? It’s hard to say for sure, but it can’t have hurt.
Round of 16: 1. Wyoming vs. 16. Washington
Wyoming’s the favorite here (have you seen that rope border?), but don’t count Washington out. It’s a plate that doesn’t immediately grab the eye, yet stays with one, fortifying the onlooker.
8. West Virginia defeats 25. California, 23-20
Instagram: California 12, West Virginia 9
Twitter: West Virginia 7, California 4
Google Form: West Virginia 7, California 4
The close result here was a surprise to many. It’s difficult to parse motivations without better exit polling, so we don’t know whether West Virginia didn’t get as much love as expected, or if California got more than expected. Whatever the case, West Virginia survives.
9. Hawaii defeats 24. Oregon, 25-17
Instagram: Oregon 11, Hawaii 10
Twitter: Hawaii 7, Oregon 3
Google Form: Hawaii 8, Oregon 3
After Oregon won unanimously over New Jersey in its opener, this vote received a lot of attention from the license plate media. Oregon indisputably performed well again, but Hawaii proved to be too much in the end. What more could you want than a rainbow in these trying times?
Round of 16: 8. West Virginia vs. 9. Hawaii
Based on previous voting results, one would expect Hawaii to be favored in this one by Vegas. Still, West Virginia has a chance—a chance predicated on the possibility that voters will see in the plate simple, earnest beauty, and prefer it to the simple, carefree beauty offered by Hawaii. Two plates, and states, that may be more alike than either would think (were license plates sentient).
4. Vermont defeats 36. Maine, 22-19
Instagram: Maine 11, Vermont 8
Twitter: Vermont 8, Maine 3
Google Form: Vermont 6, Maine 5
We nearly got the biggest upset of the tournament thus far. The chickadee held its own against the “Grandpa’s workbench” historic plate of its near neighbor. When the dust settled, however, the classic was on top.
13. Arizona defeats 20. New York, 34-7
Instagram: Arizona 18, New York 1
Twitter: Arizona 7, New York 4
Google Form: Arizona 9, New York 2
A blowout. Look out for Arizona, folks. This plate isn’t messing around.
Round of 16: 4. Vermont vs. 13. Arizona
Arizona has the momentum, and Vermont’s stock took a hit when it struggled against Maine. Two classic plates, but in such different ways. To some, the vote may be about saguaros vs. evergreens, but the divide runs much deeper.
5. Idaho defeats 28. Montana, 24-17
Instagram: Idaho 13, Montana 6
Twitter: Idaho 7, Montana 4
Google Form: Montana 7, Idaho 4
The outcome of this one wasn’t long in doubt, but the fact Idaho didn’t win by more is intriguing for its long-term chances, especially with Arizona lurking a couple steps down the road. How much do we, as a nation, like potatoes? More importantly, how willing are we to be honest about our potato love?
12. Delaware defeats 21. Missouri, 28-12
Instagram: Delaware 10, Missouri 9
Twitter: Delaware 8, Missouri 2
Google Form: Delaware 10, Missouri 1
Missouri’s strong performance on Instagram is interesting here. They weren’t expected to hold up well, and overall, it wasn’t a close result, but the fact they competed as well as they did on that one platform calls into doubt Delaware’s overall strength.
Round of 16: 5. Idaho vs. 12. Delaware
It’s fair to call Idaho a favorite here, but in effect, it’s the generic-brand equivalent of the Vermont/Arizona matchup. One plate is whimsical, busy, and free. The other is stark, simple, and strong. Will the results between these two correlate? License plate bloggers everywhere will be watching.
2. North Dakota defeats 31. Florida, 24-18
Instagram: North Dakota 10, Florida 10
Twitter: North Dakota 7, Florida 4
Google Form: North Dakota 7, Florida 4
Florida gave North Dakota everything it had and then some. Do people like Florida’s license plate? Do they dislike North Dakota’s? Or does this, like so much of license plate voting, run deeper than the plates themselves? We’ll find out more over the next few days.
18. Georgia defeats 15. Indiana, 27-15
Instagram: Georgia 15, Indiana 5
Twitter: Georgia 7, Indiana 4
Google Form: Indiana 6, Georgia 5
The only poorer seed to win in the Second Round, Georgia advanced cleanly over Indiana. Guess we aren’t about recycling around here.
Round of 16: 2. North Dakota vs. 18. Georgia
This is arguably the most uncertain of all eight votes in the coming round. North Dakota and Georgia are polarly opposed and of questionable individual strength. Both modern. One natural. One chic. Good luck, oddsmakers.
7. North Carolina defeats 39. Massachusetts, 28-14
Instagram: North Carolina 16, Massachusetts 4
Twitter: North Carolina 7, Massachusetts 4
Google Form: Massachusetts 6, North Carolina 5
Interestingly, Massachusetts won among Google Form voters. That’s the only platform in which they did well at all, but still—interesting. That Google Form vote’s a wild card.
North Carolina’s plate is a bit smoky, obscured by the haze of time. But, I mean, when the plate’s got the Wright Brothers taking to the skies, you aren’t gonna get a perfect cartoon, everybody.
10. New Mexico defeats 23. Rhode Island, 37-5
Instagram: New Mexico 17, Rhode Island 3
Twitter: New Mexico 10, Rhode Island 1
Google Form: New Mexico 10, Rhode Island 1
Rhode Island has nothing to be ashamed of, and this result is one that may have been closer in the eyes of individual voters than the final totals indicate. In other words, New Mexico’s plate might be leaps and bounds better than Rhode Island’s, but it also might just have consensus approval. Regardless, no one is taking New Mexico lightly around here.
Round of 16: 7. North Carolina vs. 10. New Mexico
New Mexico’s the Vegas favorite here, but don’t forget what North Carolina did to earn that 7-Seed.
3. Alaska defeats 30. South Carolina, 33-9
Instagram: Alaska 13, South Carolina 7
Twitter: Alaska 10, South Carolina 1
Google Form: Alaska 10, South Carolina 1
After a decent showing in the First Round, and with simpler plates faring more poorly in the First Round, many expected more support for the Palmetto Moon. Turns out, voters still like grit more than grits (sorry, that was a bad joke).
14. Wisconsin defeats 46. Nevada, 29-14
Instagram: Wisconsin 13, Nevada 8
Twitter: Wisconsin 9, Nevada 2
Google Form: Wisconsin 7, Nevada 4
Nevada was a trendy pick to advance again here, but at a point, an underdog’s still an underdog. Wisconsin’s charm, middle-class appeal, and direct citation of the dairy industry was enough this time.
Round of 16: 3. Alaska vs. 14. Wisconsin
Alaska’s a big favorite, but don’t forget that this blog has a strong Midwestern following, and a longstanding relationship with milk advocacy.
6. South Dakota defeats 27. Utah, 25-21
Instagram: Utah 13, South Dakota 10
Twitter: South Dakota 7, Utah 5
Google Form: South Dakota 8, Utah 3
Other matchups may have been closer, but this was the most exciting duel by far. South Dakota brought four presidents to the table. Utah brought one sandstone arch (and a Delicate one, at that). South Dakota brought a corny rhyme of faces and places. Utah brought a slogan that belongs on the windows of a suburban weed store. South Dakota advanced.
11. Colorado defeats 22. Texas, 34-11
Instagram: Colorado 16, Texas 7
Twitter: Colorado 10, Texas 1
Google Form: Colorado 8, Texas 3
Colorado’s plate is interesting in that it’s simultaneously an abandonment and an embrace of one of the most iconic plates in United States history. There were doubts about its ability to compete with the inverted, more intricate design, but at least in this round, that design held its own. On to a bigger stage.
Round of 16: 6. South Dakota vs. 11. Colorado
A big moment for both plates. Each has its eye on a championship appearance (though the pundits still like New Mexico on this side of the bracket). The winner may only have one more in them. It’s white-knuckle season in license plate land.
For image credits and pictures of all the plates, visit this post.