Liberty University and a Potential 40% Debate for the NIT Community

There’s a thing in media that you can do that makes you a lot of money, and I’m not going to spell out what it is, but let me just say that if the goal is getting everybody to eventually think the NIT is the best, we don’t really care if Liberty makes the NIT Final Four, but if the goal is to get 40% of the country to ardently defend that the NIT is the best, there is a scenario in which Liberty helps the cause. Also, would probably have great attendance if they had any home games in the early rounds, but that’s beside the point.

Anyway, I’m here to get everybody to eventually think the NIT is the best, Liberty fans and Liberty haters and the vast majority—those who don’t know Liberty exists—alike. But I’m aware others in the NIT community might break with me on this. So, I want to prepare us all—us, the NIT community—for this debate, since Liberty might have some NIT Final Four shots over the next few years. Don’t be caught off guard.

NIT fan. Joe Kelly expert. Milk drinker. Can be found on Twitter (@nit_stu) and Instagram (@nitstu32).
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