Kennesaw State Has a Milk Chugging League

It was brought to my attention yesterday by my cousin Kalvin (love you, Kal—thanks again for vacuuming and sorry we contributed to gender norms by attributing it subconsciously to people who are not you) that Kennesaw State (the Owls!) has a milk chugging league.

I am guessing this is unsanctioned.

Just a hunch.

I’m not positive how it works, but I do know, based off this Instagram post, that you should park at the Home Depot on Shiloh Road if you want to attend. Or at least, that was where you were supposed to park the week of March 29th. It could be anywhere by now. Is the state of Kennesaw trying to stamp this out? I hope the state of Kennesaw is trying to stamp this out. Not because I think it should be stamped out, but because Kennesaw v. Milk would be an awesome name for a Supreme Court case.

Based on more Instagram digging, I’m getting the impression that this is straight time for milk going down the gullet. Doesn’t seem to matter if the milk comes back up, or when it comes back up. Again, just an impression. This is edgy stuff. I didn’t want to get in too deep. I want the edgy side of milk to exist, of course—we’ve been lacking that for years, and if milk can become a broad tent that includes both Cowsmopolitan and the Kennesaw State Milk Chugging League, it’s safe to say dairy’s future will be secure in this nation. But I don’t want to force videos of people throwing up milk on anyone if they aren’t looking for videos of people throwing up milk.

So instead, let’s go with this one. Look at that turnout. Look at that turnout and tell me dairy’s on the decline.
NIT fan. Joe Kelly expert. Milk drinker. Can be found on Twitter (@nit_stu) and Instagram (@nitstu32).
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