We’ve long known Ken Pomeroy likes to curl. The meteorologist-turned-college basketball institution tweets about curling not infrequently. See:
The man likes curling. Only adding to his charm.
Anyway, until recently, this hobby was kept at arm’s length from his college basketball site, kenpom.com.
No more.

Check the top left.
Yes, there’s a curling stone there (that’s what they’re called, right?). And when you click on that curling stone, well, as you might imagine, you open a new dimension:

There, at the bottom, you see the copyright for the site attributed to The Forecast Factory, Pomeroy’s LLC. The curling site is, as one would have guessed, his.
If you’re looking to visit, the url is doubletakeout.com. I, for one, am grateful to be allowed into this sphere of Pomeroy’s orbit.