Joe Kelly Dazzles in Season Debut

Joe Kelly threw two fastballs yesterday. They were the fastest pitches thrown in the entire game.

Kelly started the outing with fifteen straight curveballs, the first eight of which were enough to notch the first two strikeouts of our hero’s 2020. From there, it was a walk (it happens) and a delivery so quick that Austin Slater was utterly hosed trying to steal second (just kidding he came off the base at the end of his slide but he only did that because he was still in shock about having made it that far in the first place).

Overall, a strong outing for our man, who’s probably available again today. Curveball looked good. Strikes were thrown. 99 mph was hit. Nobody put the ball in play.

The Joe Kelly season has begun.

NIT fan. Joe Kelly expert. Milk drinker. Can be found on Twitter (@nit_stu) and Instagram (@nitstu32).
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