It’s Time Once More for Single-Elimination Joe Kelly

It’s on.

Joe Kelly’s likely to pitch tonight in a single-elimination playoff game, which would mark the fifth time he’s done this. The last time? He got those two crucial outs in the Wild Card Game last week. The first time? He got five crucial outs in the Cardinals’ 2012 NLDS victory over Washington. The other two times? Nothing noteworthy happened at all, and in one of those his legs were real messed up so cut the guy a break.

I don’t know about you, but I’m fired up. You can feel it in the streets. You can hear it in the whispers in the supermarket aisles. You can see it in the face of the man whose not-at-all-flat tire you’re replacing with his spare in the CVS parking lot as a prank.

It’s Joe Kelly’s time. It’s all of our time. It’s time. This is what they made time for.

ETA? I’m saying fourth inning. 10:34 EDT/9:34 CDT/8:34 MDT/7:34 PDT (sorry, Hawaii and Alaska, I don’t know your time zone acronyms).

Prepare your children.

NIT fan. Joe Kelly expert. Milk drinker. Can be found on Twitter (@nit_stu) and Instagram (@nitstu32).
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