It’s Opening Night, Senators Fans

The Ottawa Senators begin their season tonight, and I have never been more excited for the Ottawa Senators to begin their season.


Senators vs. Toronto Maple Leafs


Ottawa (I don’t know the name of the rink or arena or whatever you call it)


6:00 PM American Central Standard Time (which is also Canadian Central, right?)

How to Watch:

Doesn’t look like it’s on TV here in the states, and I don’t think Canada would let me across the border right now. So I’m just going to sit quietly with my eyes closed, envision what I think hockey looks like, and then check the final result and probably be disappointed.

The Odds:

Don’t know don’t care (Ottawa is a sizable underdog)

The Opponent:

The Toronto Maple Leafs. Iconic, yes. Good? We’ll see (I’m being told they’re good). They won their first game on the back of some guy named William Nylander, who I will concede has fabulous hair. Now that I know Nylander’s name, this means I know more players on the Leafs than on the Sens. (I did learn that’s what we call the Senators, possibly to avoid confusing them with the real Senate? Remind me to ask.)

Anyway, Leafs are division favorites, I think, and the NHL gave them one more game to get ready (don’t play the Senators on an empty stomach, that’s what my mom always said). So the odds are against us. But the vibes are decidedly not.

Senators News:

Absolutely no idea. They could’ve gotten sold yesterday for all I know.

NIT fan. Joe Kelly expert. Milk drinker. Can be found on Twitter (@nit_stu) and Instagram (@nitstu32).
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