Is Buc-ee’s Horny?

I’m sorry, but someone had to ask. I’ve seen one too many signs for dusted nuts.

Buc-ee’s, in addition to being the rare gas station where you can buy both a smoker and kitschy Christmas apparel, is known for its nuggets. And its nuts. And its beaver. It’s an interstate wonderland, first known for its bathrooms and its Texas exclusivity but increasingly iconic as an everything store all over the South, like someone made a physical version of Amazon and expanded it to Alabama and managed to make it super happy inside. It’s also…maybe a little pervy?

People are scared to ask this question of Buc-ee’s, because Buc-ee’s is such a wholesome establishment, but at some point Buc-ee’s forces the issue. When you lead with billboards making piss and fart jokes and you follow those up with signs all over the store about the many things you’re putting on your nuts, you’re making the choice. There’s nothing wrong with Buc-ee’s being horny, if Buc-ee’s is indeed horny. We just need to be allowed to talk about it. We love Buc-ee’s, but we want to know. Is all of this intentional?

Consider the conversation started.

NIT fan. Joe Kelly expert. Milk drinker. Can be found on Twitter (@nit_stu) and Instagram (@nitstu32).
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