IndyCar Idea: Race at a National Park

Ok so since some of my suggestions evidently aren’t that great, I tried really hard and came up with a great IndyCar idea (no, not the loop de loop—that’s in the back pocket).

Race in a National Park.

Can you imagine? Whipping around Arches. Diving down into and out of the valley at Yosemite. Zooming across Death Valley. Running over a bunch of alligators in the Everglades.

It sounds sweet. Also might bring awareness to the parks. Also might cut down on the alligator population. Come on. CaliCar would do it.

NIT fan. Joe Kelly expert. Milk drinker. Can be found on Twitter (@nit_stu) and Instagram (@nitstu32).
Posts created 3912

One thought on “IndyCar Idea: Race at a National Park

  1. yah, cuz what we need is 100,000 RV’s descending onto the national parks and leaving 6,000,000 cans of PBR everywhere.

    next idea. this one is bllsssghghghgh.

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