Iditarod Update: There’s a Winner!

The Iditarod has a new champion.

Musher Pete Kaiser and his team made it into Nome in the wee hours of this morning, finishing the 1,000-mile trek in under ten days. Kaiser’s the first musher of Yup’ik descent to win the race, and the first Alaska Native to win it in eight years.

While I have yet to find the names of the entirety of the winning team, the lead dogs were Morrow and Lucy, and reports are indicating that the whole team was comprised of good dogs.

In case you were feeling, like me, that you were just starting to remember that the Iditarod is happening, get this: 39 teams are still out there! Meaning there will be at least one more Iditarod update in 2019.

If you want to read more about Pete Kaiser, here’s the piece from the Anchorage Daily News:

NIT fan. Joe Kelly expert. Milk drinker. Can be found on Twitter (@nit_stu) and Instagram (@nitstu32).
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