I Would Like to Tell You About Milk Archaeology, But I Can’t

These bastards.

I got all excited last night when I saw an article under “milk news” on The Google about archaeologists uncovering an historic milk co-op. It was from a local news outlet, though, and after I answered their survey questions about what shoes I want to buy (I’m not in the shoes market right now, guys, sorry) I thought I was through.

I was not through.

The paywall held.

Oh sure, it said I had two free articles remaining for the month. That this was my first. But then WHY WAS I ONLY SEEING THESE LITTLE DASHES WHERE THE WORDS SHOULD BE??

Feels like when I was little and I’d see writing in cartoons that just looked like squiggles and I’d think I only couldn’t read it because I didn’t know how to read cursive.

NIT fan. Joe Kelly expert. Milk drinker. Can be found on Twitter (@nit_stu) and Instagram (@nitstu32).
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