I Found the World’s Best Airport Ad

I was in the Detroit airport yesterday (sparknotes: it lived up to the hype, though in different ways from what I expected), and one of the best parts of it was this ad:

Now, I don’t know what a CNC Machine is, but I know this one has five axes, multiple types of lathes (not sure what those are), the ability to grind and saw, EDM (guessing that’s the music?), the ability to emcee in multiple orientations, and other special purposes.

I have yet to call Bob. I’m not interested in purchasing the machine, but I’m very interested in finding out what the machine is and why he chose to advertise it at the Detroit airport. I have yet to google ‘CNC Machine,’ or any of the features listed (except I’ve probably googled EDM at some point to figure out what that guy at work was talking about), though I suppose I could do that too.

But whether I eventually get answers or not, it’s nice to be able to sleep at night knowing I’ve seen the pinnacle of airport advertisements. I do not know Bob. I do not know CNC Machines. But I know they’re both out there, and I know that the advertisement is probably scrolling through every two minutes or so on multiple screens at DTW.

And for me, that’s enough.

NIT fan. Joe Kelly expert. Milk drinker. Can be found on Twitter (@nit_stu) and Instagram (@nitstu32).
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