How Has the Coronavirus Impacted Tacko Fall’s Swimming Lessons?

I think we’re far enough into the pandemic where we can ask some of the less-important-but-still-important questions.


This has probably been a setback for Tacko Fall’s swimming lessons, right?

Upon further review, we can’t yet say for sure. After all, the first news of Tacko Fall’s swimming came back in September:

But the second lesson wasn’t until November:

And the third (and most recent) came in early March:

Which means Tacko Fall is averaging one swimming lesson every 2.35 months or so, putting his next scheduled lesson next week.

In short, we can’t be sure that Tacko Fall’s progress in the pool has been impeded by the Coronavirus. Yet. But it will be undeniable soon.

Not the greatest tragedy from all this, no. But certainly not a good thing.

NIT fan. Joe Kelly expert. Milk drinker. Can be found on Twitter (@nit_stu) and Instagram (@nitstu32).
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