Holidays: In a Bracket – First Round Voting, Part One

You ready to make some tough choices?

Let’s hit it.

We revealed the bracket for this last night (it’s also on Instagram, Twitter, and absolutely ripping through the dark web), but for those who haven’t heard, you have to choose between your favorite holidays. And the other ones, too. In 2022 calendar order (mostly), we’ve put 64 holidays in a bracket, and now it’s time to vote. You couldn’t escape this for long.

As always, three ways to vote. As always, please be cool and don’t spam the votes. Even if you love Casimir Pulaski Day. You know who you are.

The Google Form (be cool):

Our Instagram stories:

This Twitter thread:

We’re only going through June today, so come back tomorrow for Canada Day vs. the Fourth of July, Christmas Eve vs. Christmas, and others. Today’s voting will last until roughly 7:00 AM EDT tomorrow (Tuesday). Vote well.

NIT fan. Joe Kelly expert. Milk drinker. Can be found on Twitter (@nit_stu) and Instagram (@nitstu32).
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