Hear Me Out: The EPL Should Count FA Cup Results, but Only for Burnley, and Only This One Unless They Win Again in a Few Weeks

Don’t turn away so quickly, English Premier League officials who most certainly read this website.

I’m not saying you need to count all the FA Cup results in the EPL Standings.

In fact, I’m saying something quite contrary to that.

You should only count one.

Heck, I’d even do it for you. Just turn a blind eye, and what do you know, Burnley’s got three more points, and two more ticks on the ol’ goal differential measuring bone. The wins and losses don’t add up? Must be some complication with a draw. Try summing it all again and get back to me. Maybe take a win away from Tottenham—there’s no way they’ve really won eight, right?

There, that’s better.

NIT fan. Joe Kelly expert. Milk drinker. Can be found on Twitter (@nit_stu) and Instagram (@nitstu32).
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