Have You Heard About the NIT?

Me: *knocks on door*

Guy: *opens door*

Me: *wiggling a little bit, biting lip, clearly very excited*

Guy: Hello?

Me: Hi there would you like to hear about the NIT?!?

Guy: Uh……..wait, the NIT? Like, the basketball tournament?

Me: YES!

Guy: What about it?

Me: It’s GREAT.

Guy: What…what’s going on here?

Me: I’m here to spread the joy and love of the NIT.

Guy: Uh, buddy, I think you should get out of here.

Me: OK!

*repeat approximately 43 times as I circle the neighborhood*

NIT fan. Joe Kelly expert. Milk drinker. Can be found on Twitter (@nit_stu) and Instagram (@nitstu32).
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