Happy Birthday, Joe Kelly!

First of all, Joe Kelly’s spin rates have been reasonably consistent over the course of his career, and were even a little higher last night than normal.

Secondly, HAPPY BIRTHDAY, JOE KELLY!!!!!!! 33 years ago today, in Anaheim, California (according to Wikipedia), Joe Kelly entered the world. The world could never be the same. Two Worlds Series have been decided by that birth. Two states now exist that wouldn’t exist otherwise. (You think we would have had that much patience with California or Missouri?) Two blogs have love in their heart that would otherwise exist only in their dreams (I’m assuming there’s another one that covers his personal life rather than focusing so specifically on baseball). I don’t know what else to say, really. It’s Joe Kelly’s birthday. Let us celebrate accordingly. Small sidenote happy anniversary to my parents who were married four years before Joe Kelly was born, to the day, which means they even contended with a leap day to figure that out ahead of time. Respect, Mom and Dad.

Thirdly, yeah, he gave up a run last night, but it was just a single that found a hole and a double that wasn’t hit all that hard. Those happen, the Dodgers won, yada yada, Joe Kelly’s fine. Also, the velocity was there. Our guy’s working his way back to his normal self. Give the man some time.

Happy birthday, Joe.

NIT fan. Joe Kelly expert. Milk drinker. Can be found on Twitter (@nit_stu) and Instagram (@nitstu32).
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