The 2025 NIT begins tonight, and if you haven’t entered our annual NIT Bracket Challenge, well…go do that! We’ll wait.
Let’s get an ad in here.
Alright. Thank you for taking your time. It’s important to take the NIT process seriously.
Joining me on this week’s episode of Free Hoops is the 2025 NIT Bracket. We know you’re busy people. We know you want to know what other NIT fans think. So we cut right to the chase: 31 games in (roughly) 31 minutes, plus my pick for each of them. (Joe’s bracket’s on its way later today in written form. Fargo? Might do a video. We’ll see how the afternoon turns out.)
Will North Texas win a second ring? Is this the year Bradley makes it all the way back? Should we be talking dynasty with Stanford? How does one weight their allegiance to UC Riverside’s most famous former relief pitcher when picking UC Riverside vs. Santa Clara in the NIT’s first round?
Picking the NIT champion is no easy feat.
But joining our Bracket Challenge is.
Two things, before we give you those links:
First, after recording, we learned Darius Hannah has opted back into the NIT for Bradley. That came up during recording. At the time of recording, he was out. At the time of listening, he was in. This was more common back in the old days, when podcasts were delivered by mail.
Second, there’ll be a bonus episode this week following the first round games. TBD whether it comes out Thursday or Friday, but Free Hoops subscribers will have a second episode this week in their feeds. In other words? Subscribe.
Here are those links. Bona NIT.
I’m NIT – pickin’