The first round is in the books, and there is plenty to be said. Who’s gonna say it? That’s the question. At least here at The Barking Crow, I will be doing the saying. In the world at large? It could be any one of us.
We’ve got a big first round recap episode for you and any discerning college basketball fans in your life. It starts with one nice thing about each first round winner and one mean thing about each first round loser. It continues with a great interview with Gene Henley, who covers the Chattanooga Mocs for the Chattanooga Times Free Press. Gene’s been described as the number one ball-knower in the Southern Conference, and he did not disappoint. Apologies to our Dayton fans and friends, but if you’re looking for an underdog to get behind, you could do worse than UTC.
Ratings and reviews are always helpful, so long as they’re positive. Subscribing is helpful as well. We’ll have another episode your way on Monday morning, when it’s the second round that’s in the books. Who knows who’ll do the saying then.