Two years after they declined an NIT bid and nearly started World War IV, the North Carolina Tar Heels are back in the NIT mix. If they receive The Invitation again…will they accept?
In a magnanimous attempt to bridge the divide, Tate Frazier joined Free Hoops this week to talk UNC, the NIT, and a lot of things we had to cut from the show because they were simply too provocative. (Alternate explanation: I forgot to hit the record button until we’d already done a full interview. I am extremely embarrassed by this but Tate was really gracious.)
For those unfamiliar with Tate’s work, the man is a Tar Heel by birth, a Tar Heel by education, and a Tar Heel by vocation, using his voice as the host of One Shining Podcast to promote his alma mater far and wide. As we set about trying to start this NIT–UNC dialogue, it was hard to imagine finding a better representative of UNC than Tate. He did not disappoint.
Without further ado, then: What’s the real story when it comes to 2023? Will UNC accept when the NIT calls? Could the Tar Heels even…win it all?
Thanks for listening.