Formula 2? What About…Formula Stu?

Every now and then, I see a reference to Formula 2, and I don’t fully know what it is. So, today, I went on Wikipedia, and it turns out it’s exactly what you’d guess: a minor league series for Formula 1.

If you, like me, long assumed part of Formula 1, and the reason for its name, was that teams had to optimize their fuel formula, perhaps because you, like me, accidentally came to associate it with Hot Wheels’ “Formula Fuelers,” a battery-powered set of cars that drove for longer if you filled the “Nitrox2” canister with a solution with more highly concentrated sodium (I did not have these cars, but the commercials, clearly, left quite an impression), then you will, like me, be disappointed to learn that “formula” isn’t really referring to the fuel at all, but rather to the full set of rules. In that sense, yes, Formula 2 is a different formula, but it’s not as fun as Hot Wheels’ “Formula Fuelers.”

Anyway, the real reason I’m here is to suggest that Formula 1 rebrand Formula 2 as “Formula Stu” and make it seem like I’m some shadowy figure ruling the series from afar. I could wear a dark jacket and turn around quickly in dramatic, dark lighting in promotional clips. That sort of thing.

Just a suggestion, though.

NIT fan. Joe Kelly expert. Milk drinker. Can be found on Twitter (@nit_stu) and Instagram (@nitstu32).
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7 thoughts on “Formula 2? What About…Formula Stu?

  1. i’ve said it before and I’ll say it again.
    it’s a crime that you aren’t covering Formula E.
    and in the case of Formula E, the E actually stands for the fuel (kinda)!

      1. it may shock you, but everything I say is real.
        excited for your switch to covering Formula E, instead of Formula Meh

  2. Love the idea!

    Something I’ve always found funny: when F1 fans want to make a point about the dominance of Mercedes and Red Bull, they’ll sometimes refer to the rest of the field as comprising “Formula 1.5.”

    As in, “Last year, McLaren finished third in the Constructors’ Standings. Ergo, they can claim to be the 2020 Formula 1.5 Champions.”

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