Feral Cat Rescue Videos: Adorable? Or Unsettling?

So there’s a stray cat rescue YouTube channel that plays on the TV’s at the nail salon downstairs, and I’d link to it but I just tried clicking on their website’s ‘about’ page and it tried to install malware on a computer that’s having a hard enough time as it is. The specific channel is beside the point. These exist. There are a lot of them. They are sweet—cats’ (and dogs’) lives are often saved, the animals are cute—but they are also kinda weird. Is this actually making the cat happier?

Please, everybody, keep doing your thing with animal rescue stuff, I’m not trying to criticize the work (which looks outrageously difficult and taxing, further adding to the ‘kinda weird’-ness, but again, cool stuff). But if you’re looking for my patronage, here’s what I request:

  • First, no malware. That was uncalled for.
  • Second, I know dogs are pretty much always happier with humans, but cats? Let me know the cat is happier because of the intervention. OR, if the cat is causing a ton of trouble and needs to be taken off the streets because he or she is a menace to society, let me know that. I like a happy cat and I like a cat who is begrudgingly locked up because they were too rapacious. Few things funnier than a cat plotting a grand escape.
  • Third, those rescues of pigs and horses and other animals who were being abused are incredible but they do make me sad, so I’m probably not going to go all in on them. Please, though, keep saving these poor, kind, lovely creatures. I will watch from time to time and then get choked up and need a minute.

Ok, those are the rules. The first one’s the most important. Second two are more fickle. Do show me badass cats, though. That’s the biggest request here.

NIT fan. Joe Kelly expert. Milk drinker. Can be found on Twitter (@nit_stu) and Instagram (@nitstu32).
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