Fargo Friday: The Puppy Got a New Neighbor

This is Fargo.

Fargo has something to say.


*jumps, stomps, a little whining oh shoot we accidentally latched the screen door ok let’s open it there we go girl now it’s a party go ahead yes all the pets all the pets, girl*

i have a new friend.

his name…IS AUGGIE.

he lives next door.

he has been there for a few weeks now. we have gotten to know one another. he enjoys walks, and scritches, and standing at the screen door. i enjoy playing. WITH HIM.

the problem, of course, is that he does not always want to play. sometimes, he will growl at me, or bark at me, or snap at me, just for doing something simple like jumping on top of him with all four of my paws or running inside his house (they always kick me out) or sniffing him so hard i accidentally push him a little bit.

that said, we are becoming fast friends. today, when i left to go to work (playing with the other dogs up in round rock), he was standing at his door, and he wagged his tail, and i wagged my whole butt and jumped up and down and got as close to his door as i possibly could to exchange sniffs, and i would say we had a little moment.

i think i’m growing on him.

i have that effect.

NIT fan. Joe Kelly expert. Milk drinker. Can be found on Twitter (@nit_stu) and Instagram (@nitstu32).
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One thought on “Fargo Friday: The Puppy Got a New Neighbor

  1. Oh Fargo! I am sorry the neighbors kick you out when you bound in, uninvited!! Give them time… Does Auggie wander into your house?

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