Fargo Friday: The Dog Drinks Water (in Slow-Motion)

It’s Fargo Friday, and it’s been a week. Our girl has experienced…

  • A triumphant post-holiday return to daycare.
  • The discovery of a stranger at the park who is very good at throwing the orange ball.
  • A two-night sleepover with her friend Bruce, a short pit mix who is equal parts seal and alligator and is very fun. (The way Bruce and Fargo play is that Bruce walks under Fargs, but because Fargo isn’t quite tall enough for him to fit, this topples Fargo. Then, they wrestle for a minute, Fargo stands up, and they repeat the process.)
  • The smells of the new golden retriever puppy next door. (They haven’t met yet, but Fargo is intimately familiar with the scent of her pee.)

To celebrate, here is 15 seconds of her drinking water in slow motion. Is it normal for dogs to backhand the water with their tongues? Or is this why it took Fargo so long to start drinking water as a pup? Does she just not know how to do it??

NIT fan. Joe Kelly expert. Milk drinker. Can be found on Twitter (@nit_stu) and Instagram (@nitstu32).
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