eBay Can Only Die If We Let It

This headline doesn’t make sense. eBay’s stock’s right around its all-time high. eBay is doing fine.

And yet I’d imagine at least one of you read this and went, “Whoa, we need to save eBay,” and I’d imagine at least another of you read this and said, “Yes. Only we can save eBay,” and I’d imagine at least a third one of you read this and said, “eBay? That’s still in business?”

Such is the power of the blogger. I am the most powerful person you know. Or don’t know. With one headline, I can summon as many as one or two people into action to save an online retail platform that doesn’t need saving.

I do think it’s true, though. If we don’t let eBay die, it won’t die. Those are the rules.

NIT fan. Joe Kelly expert. Milk drinker. Can be found on Twitter (@nit_stu) and Instagram (@nitstu32).
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