Dodger Legend Joe Kelly Shows Up Big Yet Again

Unparalleled, I say.

Has there ever been a moment on a baseball field as big as last night’s? Score tied, runners on base, one out in the fifth inning, Joe Kelly facing his former team. My heart’s racing just typing it out, and not only because I haven’t even had my root beer for the day yet.

It was a dazzling Kelly outing, with the curve on full display, most notably as he metaphorically pulled Dylan Carlson aside and told him to respect his betters. Nolan Arenado? Also out (obviously). The velocity when he did throw the fastball? 98 miles per hour (obviously).

Kelly was the linchpin in the Dodgers’ victory, carrying the game from early-stage pitchers duel to late-stage nailbiter. He got them through that transition intact, and the people saw it. Look at this stuff:

Next up, the Giants. And you know what Joe Kelly does to Giants.

NIT fan. Joe Kelly expert. Milk drinker. Can be found on Twitter (@nit_stu) and Instagram (@nitstu32).
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