Coca-Cola 600 Preview: The 600 Is Miles.

Another fourth or fifth day, another NASCAR race. Kind of fun having them so often. Makes it easier for me to not forget about them. Though, now that I think about it, that might have a lot to do with other sports not happening and me not doing a whole lot else besides blogging and driving Uber Eats and checking who wins NASCAR races when I remember they’re happening/happened. Hopefully I can keep this on in the background tonight. We’ll see.

FAQ Time.

What’s the race?

The Coca-Cola 600.


Yeah. 600 miles. Not a drill. They’re going to try to drive 600 miles.

That’s a lot of miles.

So many miles.

Probably going to take a while.


I mean, they’re going fast and all, but…


600 miles. Whoa.

My thoughts every year on this day.

You remember this day every year?

Yeah. It’s Memorial Day Sunday, you know? Also, the Indy 500’s usually today.

Mmm that makes sense. That’s got milk, right?

So much milk.

I take it it’s not happening?

Think it got postponed.

I’m sorry, man.

Thanks. It’s ok, though. Just puts pressure on me to not accidentally miss it.

You think that might happen?

Yeah. I’m pretty forgetful, and I feel like it’s probably happening in the late summer or early fall when I’ll be getting my NIT and FCS and Joe Kelly Playoff stuff ready for those seasons.

Makes sense.

Thanks for understanding.

No problem. Say, where’s the race at?

Oh, the Coca-Cola 600?


The one where they’re driving 600 miles?

That’s the one.

It’s in Charlotte.

The whole thing?

Good question. Yes. Whole thing in Charlotte.

Is the track an oval?

Might not be perfectly symmetrical, but yeah, not a road course.

Got it. 600 miles, and they won’t make it anywhere. I mean, I know the joke’s overused, but…

But yeah, this is the time to use it. To the oval’s credit, it’s a pretty big oval.


Couldn’t fit it on a page.

Bigger than a horse track, right?

Yeah, just checked. Half a mile longer than Churchill Downs.

Horses don’t get enough credit for being so fast.

Not nearly enough.

Explains why they were such a good mode of transportation back in the day.

So true. Still are in certain parts of the world.

You thinking about Canyon de Chelly again?

Yeah, hope they get the outbreak under control out there.


Guess we should do the rest of the NASCAR questions.

Yeah, let’s do those.

Fire away.

Alright, is there a favorite?

At least one. Possibly more. The important thing to remember about this race is that it’s 600 miles long.

You’re right. That’s really long.

So long.

Bet they have to start it kind of early, eh?

Yeah, I think it starts at something like five or six Central Time.

Got it. TV?


Sorry, meant: What channel is it on?

I know. I just don’t know what channel it’s on so I thought I’d say yes instead of answering the real question.

Makes sense. Man, 600 miles.

600 miles.


600 miles.

NIT fan. Joe Kelly expert. Milk drinker. Can be found on Twitter (@nit_stu) and Instagram (@nitstu32).
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