Can Anyone Teach Me About Milk Futures?

I was reading Cowsmo today to pass the time (Cowsmopolitan, the magazine, for those who didn’t listen to the World Dairy Expo episode of MilkTime). The summer issue. It had been waiting on the shelf. And while I’d first like to say, as I know I’ve told some of you personally, that the Brown Swiss Cow in Ohio named LeBron Emily is beautiful, I’d also like to address something more important:

I need to know more about milk futures.

As a milk lover, milk blogger, and aspiring owner of a small creamery where folks from the city come to get their cheddar and watch an endless loop in the tasting room of Joe Kelly throwing cheddar, I should know about their trading. The magazine mentioned the price dropping to $12.00 in the early days of the pandemic, but what’s the quantity there? And are we talking Class III or Class IV? Perhaps most importantly, where do I trade? Because I want to buy.

So, if you know a lot about milk trading and want to give me a lesson, please contact me. I would be happy to learn from you.

NIT fan. Joe Kelly expert. Milk drinker. Can be found on Twitter (@nit_stu) and Instagram (@nitstu32).
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