Burnley Got a Point

That felt good.

The Result:

Burnley 1, Leicester City 1

How It Happened:

Burnley grabbed a fourth-minute lead on a Matěj Vydra goal, only to see Leicester tie it half an hour later. From there, it was a deadlock, each team turning the screws at times but neither breaking through.

Not a bad outing from the Burnleys.

What It Means:

Burnley stays in 15th, at least for the day. Up to six points ahead of Fulham and relegation, but Fulham does host Tottenham tomorrow.

Other News:

Nothing I saw beyond what came through in the leadup to the match.

General Thoughts:

Are there certain pets vets can’t handle? How obscure of a domesticated animal would you need to show up with for the vet to say no?

Burnley Thoughts:

Relieving to get a point, and to be halfway through this four-match stretch. Tough ones against Arsenal and Everton these next two Saturdays, then a little break before a kinder April and May. Hopefully those aren’t desperate times for the Clarets.

NIT fan. Joe Kelly expert. Milk drinker. Can be found on Twitter (@nit_stu) and Instagram (@nitstu32).
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