Important Announcement: How to attend our 2019 Annual Meeting.

NIT Stu has done it. He’s put a shop on The Internet™, and he’s made it capable of accepting money from credit cards or PayPal (at least with my card and my account—let us know if you have a different experience).

More merchandise will be posted early next week, and we’ll announce it when we do, but in the meantime, here’s that information we promised on how to attend that annual meeting we announced last week.


Get this.

You have to pay us.

Surprising, I know. We’ve never really been paid for our services before, at least in a financial sense. But here we are, asking you for money to hang out with us and talk about the blog.

We do need money, though, to exist, and we’re willing to give you some generous privileges in exchange for that money. So without (much) further ado, here are your five options (as of right now) when it comes to earning yourself access to our 2019 Annual Meeting and supporting your favorite blog.

Before we begin, please note that none of these will get you any equity in The Barking Crow, or in the company that runs The Barking Crow, which is named Barnaby & Lake LLC. We’re using the term investor-ship because we think it’s fun to call you investors, and because it makes it harder for us to confuse you with any corporate sponsors we pick up down the line. But you aren’t getting any equity. I repeat: YOU ARE NOT GETTING ANY EQUITY.

Also. If you get so excited that you buy one of these right away, let us know if there are any issues. I’m the only one who’s tried out our shop yet. And as always, let us know if you have questions.

Ok, no more ado.

Option 1: The Rookie of the Year Investor-ship

For $13 (in tribute to the uniform number of the 2018 National League Rookie of the Year), you get the following privileges:

  • Recognition on our website under a name of your choosing.
  • A personalized birthday email from NIT Stu (if you tell us your birthday).
  • Access to the 2019 The Barking Crow Annual Meeting, which will be held in Chicago on Saturday, July 20th. No speaking privileges, though.

Option 2: The Hard-Throwing Righty Investor-ship

For $102 (in tribute to the fastest pitch ever thrown by this blog’s favorite relief pitcher), you get the following privileges:

  • Recognition on our website under a name of your choosing.
  • A personalized birthday email from NIT Stu (if you tell us your birthday).
  • A 10% discount on anything sold through this website, excluding investor-ships.
  • Access to the 2019 The Barking Crow Annual Meeting, which will be held in Chicago on Saturday, July 20th.
  • Speaking privileges at aforementioned annual meeting.

Option 3: The Milk Person Investor-ship

For $160 (in tribute to the 16 episodes of MilkTime with NIT Stu), you get the following privileges:

  • Recognition on our website under a name of your choosing.
  • A personalized birthday email from NIT Stu (if you tell us your birthday).
  • A 20% discount on anything sold through this website, excluding investor-ships.
  • Monthly updates regarding whether or not MilkTime is returning.
  • Access to the 2019 The Barking Crow Annual Meeting, which will be held in Chicago on Saturday, July 20th.
  • Speaking privileges at aforementioned annual meeting, along with the option to give a short presentation on a topic of our choosing.

Option 4: The Tournament Sommelier Investor-ship

For $320 (in tribute to the 32 teams who participate each year in what you know, with your fine taste in competition, is the world’s greatest tournament), you get the following privileges:

  • Recognition on our website under a name of your choosing.
  • A personalized birthday email from NIT Stu (if you tell us your birthday).
  • A 30% discount on anything sold through this website, excluding investor-ships.
  • Monthly updates on everything happening behind the scenes at The Barking Crow.
  • Access to the 2019 The Barking Crow Annual Meeting, which will be held in Chicago on Saturday, July 20th.
  • Speaking privileges at aforementioned annual meeting, along with the option to give a short presentation on a topic of your own choosing (we reserve veto power, but will only use it in dire circumstances).

Option 5: Create your own Investor-ship

Don’t like these options? Email NIT Stu at if you’re interested in setting up a more personalized experience. Tell him what privileges you want, and be prepared to haggle with him over the price. Once the two of you reach an agreement, the investor-ship will be posted on this website for you to purchase, along with anyone else who likes what you’ve selected.

Editor. Occasional blogger. Seen on Twitter, often in bursts: @StuartNMcGrath
Posts created 387

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