What is there to say? From nearly 300 initially-nominated bangers, we’ve voted our way down to two. Tomorrow, one of these two bangers (and they are bangers) will be crowned the greatest banger of the first half of the 2010’s. Someone get the Wikipedia updates at the ready.
As always, there are three ways to vote. As always, please do not manipulate the voting by spamming with votes. One vote per person per platform is our request.
This Google Form (be cool):
Our Instagram stories (BE COOL):
Twitter (for the love of bangers, please be cool):
Voting will last until roughly 8:20 AM EDT tomorrow (Friday). For those on Spotify: The playlist has been updated so that “I Love It” and “Call Me Maybe” come first and you can listen to them seamlessly as you meditate on which deserves your Bangers III championship vote. It can be found here.

I Love It 43, Wake Me Up 41
Instagram: 26-31
Twitter: 5-5
Google Form: 12-5
Call Me Maybe 63, Shake It Off 26
I: 41-17
T: 9-5
G: 13-4