Bangers III: First Round Voting, Part One

Hello, and happy Bangers III. It’s been a long time since the 2000’s Bangers Bracket, and if you’ve got a lot of pent up banger energy, we understand. That’s why for today, and today only, you can do crimes (pending FBI approval). That’s right. We’ve reached out to the FBI (they haven’t gotten back to us) and asked them if it’s ok if all you bangers fans out there do all the crimes you want today, as part of your grand cosmic release (we must emphasize that the FBI and other law enforcement agencies have not signed on to this, and you should not do crimes). They haven’t gotten back to us. We’ll let you know if they do.

Switching topics, to things you shouldn’t do: Please don’t mess with the integrity of this bracket! Last year, we had an incident. We’ll write more about it on the site later today, but it was a dark day in human history, and what it basically boils down to is this: It’s possible to manipulate these votes, and last year, someone or someones did just that. They voted hundreds upon hundreds of times in the Google Form. They bought 100 votes on Instagram. We ended up identifying which votes were spam and outweighing them with spam votes of our own, which was not fun. It was a wild time, and admittedly an entertaining time, but we don’t want to do that again. So please: Be cool. With the Google Form, just vote once. Don’t buy votes on Instagram and Twitter. Please. Be cool. This whole thing rests on you being cool.

On that dramatic note…the three ways to vote:

This Google Form (be cool):

Our Instagram stories (BE COOL):

Twitter (for the love of bangers, please be cool):

Voting will last until roughly 8:00 AM EDT tomorrow (Wednesday).

For those on Spotify: We’ve made a playlist of these 64 songs in the order they’re found in the bracket. That playlist can be found here. If anyone would like to make a similar playlist on another streaming service, please do so! If you do, please let us know so we can share the link.

NIT fan. Joe Kelly expert. Milk drinker. Can be found on Twitter (@nit_stu) and Instagram (@nitstu32).
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