Another Twist Regarding Dogs in My Apartment Building

There was another intriguing development last night in the saga regarding dogs in my apartment building.

Elevator A had some sort of liquid all over the floor and it did not smell good in there.

Now, I’m not saying it was dog piss. It could’ve been human piss (there’s a rumor that’s happened before and was related to Elevator A being out of service for six weeks this spring). It could’ve been water from the pool. It could’ve been the shakings of a wet pooch.

But rumblings pinned the blame on the dogs, and rumblings identified the liquid as pee, and the rumblings were kind of annoyed about this.

Dogs peeing in the building is common. Usually, they do it on the stairs, which is a little gross but also helps hose things down since the stairs never seem to get cleaned (one time a few slices of pizza sat near the bottom of Stairway 2 for four days, at which point I’m guessing one of the bigger dogs couldn’t help himself any longer and just ate them). Also, the stairs are basically concrete, so they absorb liquid well. But if the dogs are now peeing in elevators, things could get contentious again.

To be clear, dog freedom is still paramount. Especially for Franklin, who I saw trotting out to go for a walk today looking happy as can be (Pee in an elevator? Franklin would never.). But if middle school taught us anything, we know that just because you can pee in an elevator doesn’t mean you should pee in an elevator.

More updates (presumably) to come.

NIT fan. Joe Kelly expert. Milk drinker. Can be found on Twitter (@nit_stu) and Instagram (@nitstu32).
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