Annual Meeting: Time, Agenda, How to Attend

As you likely know, The Barking Crow’s 2019 Annual Meeting is this Saturday.

Well, we have more details for you:

The meeting will be held at 3:30 PM Central Daylight Time (that’s Chicago time, if you are justifiably scared of time zones). The location, as has been stated, is in Chicago, but we’ll let you know exactly where it is once you’re a confirmed attendee (don’t want too many hordes of journalists coming to ask Joe who the 2020 NIT favorite is).

The price of admission is effectively $13, because that’s the cheapest investor-ship available in the shop. If you want to buy a more lucrative deal, though, you obviously can.

Once you buy whichever investor-ship you choose, you’ll be looped in on the location and additional details.

The agenda, as of right now, is as follows (subject to change):

  • Stuart McGrath: History of the Blog, Barnaby & Lake LLC Business Plan
  • Stuart McGrath: How to Get Your T-Shirt (see below)
  • Joe Stunardi: How our Models Work
  • Joe Stunardi: How to Make Money Gambling on Sports
  • NIT Stu: State of the Blog
  • NIT Stu: Objectives, July 2019-June 2020
  • NIT Stu: Upcoming Content Highlights

Also, as one more incentive:

All attendees will also be given information on how to obtain the 2019 Annual Meeting t-shirt, which will feature the following image on the front, and “The Barking Crow 2019 Annual Meeting” on the back (basically, the shirt will be free with your next The Barking Crow purchase).

See you there.

NIT fan. Joe Kelly expert. Milk drinker. Can be found on Twitter (@nit_stu) and Instagram (@nitstu32).
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