Announcing Our Next Two Brackets

As promised (but a day late, our apologies), we’re announcing our next two brackets concurrently. We’ll start with the next-next bracket—the one that will follow the next bracket.

Once our next bracket is done, we’ll be doing a bracket of commercials. We’ll call it…the Tournament of Commercials. To build this bracket, though, we’ll need your submissions, because we’re not tracking down the YouTube links of 64 commercials ourselves. To submit a commercial (preferably a few commercials), please use this form.

While we build the bracket for the Tournament of Commercials, we’ll be running our next bracket. Which is…*drum roll*…the State Flags That Don’t Glorify Slavery Bracket™.

The bracket for that bracket is posted, as is our explanation of where and how we decided to draw the line with regard to some of the more vaguely Confederate state flags. We’ve also got some history up regarding state flags in former Confederate states.

Get ready to vote. And send us those commercials.

NIT fan. Joe Kelly expert. Milk drinker. Can be found on Twitter (@nit_stu) and Instagram (@nitstu32).
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