I don’t think we obey time zones here in the United States. What do I mean? Well, I’m in Portland right now, Portland the west-er (and am fulfilling my first duty of telling you all I’m in Portland), and the other night I was self-conscious about getting dinner at 5:00 until I saw that everyone was eating dinner at 5:00. Having noticed an opposite phenomenon once involving breakfast on the East Coast (I was on my way to Portland the east-er), I had a revelation:
We don’t obey time zones.
People on the West Coast just go to bed early. People on the East Coast just don’t get enough sleep.
I thought this was silly and I was a little drunk, so I texted the idea to a few friends to show how silly and insightful I was being. One sent back this map from Jawbone, which used to be a fitness wearable:

Obviously, there’s a limited sample for a lot of counties here (Jawbone went out of business for a reason) and the sample is self-selecting. But man. Assuming Jawbone users are of a similar sort nationwide, this does kind of confirm the theory that we only bow to TV and the sun.
As it should be.