All 21 Replies to a Tweet About a New Omaha Skyscraper

I am about to embed at least 22 tweets in this blog post (might be more, don’t know how Twitter counts replies to replies when it tells you how many replies a tweet has), so, uh, sorry if it loads slowly. Now. Evidently Omaha’s getting a new skyscraper. Here’s the rendering:

And here is every reply:

First, we need to talk about the library. And about misinformation. Which are a pretty fitting pair, honestly.

Second, more library talk. This time, with twelve likes:

Now, it should be noted that this tweet drew its own response, and I don’t know if it’s joking or not but this verified Twitter account has fewer than 500 followers and I’m kind of impressed by that:

Moving on from the libraries, evidently a city in the Midwest has potholes and Jeff Markise (is that an Italian flag? I’m a touch colorblind.) knows how to use the GIF machine:

Don’t worry, the logical fallacy was called out:

I want to know where Jamie got this picture. Not because it’s a good picture or anything, but because it’s an oddly specific three photos. Did he do a google image search and a screengrab? Did he need to do a screengrab, or was this already put together? Did he choose the three photos himself? Is this distracting me from the real question, which is why—oh I just looked at his bio he evidently is a film location scout? That or this is an elaborate bit which has garnered him four likes on Twitter. Why am I doing this. Why am I writing this blog post.

Trevor’s here to talk peen:

Laron has a good point:

(To answer Trevor’s question, he wasn’t the only one who noticed it, and no I don’t think it’s “phallical” I think it’s just “phallic,” call that the phallical fallacy.)

Who is she? The mayor? And will they? I want answers. I want a detailed accounting of how this is going to shake out for the city of Omaha, which is way bigger than you think. Omaha’s more populous than Minneapolis, for example. Council Bluffs just isn’t pulling its weight.

I think I’m missing some context from Steve.

Oh ok maybe this is the context? Is this actually the way it will work? I’m going to Google Maps and…yes, yes indeed, I think that photo Steve shared may have been from the Gene Leahy Mall. But why did Steve share that photo? And why’s he a Newcastle fan? Newcastle’s the worst. Just a big moneyed bunch of losers. The Mets, but British, and not inherently funny. Anyway I don’t think I trust The Canoe on this one. The sun doesn’t just stay in the same place all day. Yeah, some glare, but not constant glare, right? Maybe I’m wrong. Someone get the sun in here to explain itself.

Hell yeah suck it fnbo tower.

Oh yeah, Neil? Well maybe you try making a building next time.

Is this…celebratory? Also not for me in fact we’re investing in more office space for the blog and by that we mean more home office space.

Great point, Dean. And an even better question.

Ok yep yes more wiener jokes whenever an isolated skyscraper gets built you have to remind everyone of the male genitalia.

(I love the thumbs up here.)

Why is Jesse’s photo just the letter J? That’s not a default thing. Jesse chose that.

This person and the work-from-home guy should get together and talk past each other so nobody else has to listen to them.

Getting back to the matter at hand:


You’re right, Josh. It’s about time.


(yes that’s a USA/Ukraine flag matchup photo)

And, as always, Poysenivy says it best:

NIT fan. Joe Kelly expert. Milk drinker. Can be found on Twitter (@nit_stu) and Instagram (@nitstu32).
Posts created 3903

One thought on “All 21 Replies to a Tweet About a New Omaha Skyscraper

  1. Hahaha…incredible. Can we draw some broad conclusions from this Twitter sample about people on Twitter….????? It seems like a small sample size, and yet it seems remarkably representative of the platform as a whole.

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