Yesterday’s Tragedy in Austin

There was a murder-suicide in the neighborhood yesterday evening, here in Central Austin. It happened at a pediatrician’s office in what originated as a hostage situation.

Per the official police details (as shared by Alex Caprariello of KXAN), the suspect was a pediatrician who did not work at the office. He had recently been diagnosed with terminal cancer, per escaped hostages’ reports, and he had applied for a volunteer position at the office a week ago.

The victim was Dr. Lindley Dodson, a 43-year-old pediatrician. She left behind a husband and three kids.

Karen Vladeck, a neighbor of Dodson’s whose children were patients of Dodson, started the following Twitter thread where other friends and parents of patients are sharing remembrances. It’s very touching. You can click into it even if you aren’t on Twitter.

Some essays, but mostly blogging about Notre Dame. On Twitter at @StuartNMcGrath
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