XI. From Barton Springs to Stubb’s

X. A Big, Black Cloud of Bats


I was driving them from Barton Springs to Stubb’s
when one turned and asked the other,
“Have you ever been in love?”
The second answered straightaway
that he’d thought he had one day,
but now he wondered, could he even really say?

The use of liquor there is strictly regulated
but still somehow, towards the ends of days,
it gets a little naked.
It’s almost always only tops,
but as the sun begins to drop,
are those the final cuts? Or bound for photoshop?

In the desert night, you want a desert floor,
and we’re not desert yet this year,
but we’ll get there, more and more.
A soft duet up on the stage,
songs of love, beyond their age,
and they’re just guessing, but then, maybe so’s the sage.

Tomorrow you will wake up in late morning,
sunlight blowing past the blinds,
the blinds ignoring sunlight’s warnings.
They’ll be in a different town,
bringing different ground their sound,
but you, the pool, and that old yard will be around.


XII. The Toll Roads

Editor. Occasional blogger. Seen on Twitter, often in bursts: @StuartNMcGrath
Posts created 387

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