Worth Reading: Doug Glanville and Ian Desmond on Racism and Baseball

Yesterday, two major leaguers—one former, one current—posted essays about racism. Both are worth reading in their entirety.

The first: Doug Glanville’s piece for ESPN’s The Undefeated about the ‘comma effect.’

The ‘comma effect’ on bias and Black lives: https://theundefeated.com/features/the-comma-effect-on-bias-and-black-lives/

The second: Ian Desmond’s essay on Instagram addressing racism, poverty, youth baseball, and the coronavirus.


A note: If you’re unfamiliar with Instagram but want to read the essay (Hi, Mom and/or Dad!), there’s a small arrow to the right of the text itself (still within the black square) that will move you ahead page-by-page. The essay’s nine pages in total.

Editor. Occasional blogger. Seen on Twitter, often in bursts: @StuartNMcGrath
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