Why Stadium Stagnation Might Be Good for Baseball

It’s coming.

At some point this offseason, it will arrive.

At some point in the next four months, we’re going to hear about the Rays potentially moving to Montreal, or even spending just half their season there.

It’s a weird story. Kind of goofy. But it’s one of the more fundamental unresolved issues surrounding the game, even though it goes undiscussed for months on end. The Rays might leave Tampa. Montreal might get baseball back. Both might kind of happen, which doesn’t feel like a permanent fix.

On the one hand, it would be exciting for Montreal to have a team again. On the other, it would be better for Tampa to keep its team, with a new stadium that doesn’t always feel like one of those sad aquariums where you’re pretty sure the animals are technically being abused by living there. But one of the biggest pieces of this to remember is that once the Rays and A’s both have their stadium situations settled, Major League Baseball is going to try to expand. And for all our sakes, it would probably be better if this didn’t happen until Rob Manfred wasn’t around to mess it up.

So hold on tight, Tampa and Oakland. Hopefully it’s just a few more years.

The Barking Crow's resident numbers man. Was asked to do NIT Bracketology in 2018 and never looked back. Fields inquiries on Twitter: @joestunardi.
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