We’ll Still Kind of Cover the FCS, and Other Notes on The Barking Crow and College Football

Joe included some college football picks in today’s best bets, which made us realize we have told you nothing about how we’ll cover college football this year.

Here is your answer:

We’ll still keep tabs on the FCS. And Joe will still do the data stuff (bracketology, playoff chances, etc.) on that front. But we aren’t going to try to exclusively cover it.

We will be covering college football in a similar way to how we cover the MLB: more content than just bets, some team-specific stuff related to our favorites, etc.

But the biggest news might be that Joe’s been working on a model similar to the one he used for college basketball this year. It’ll cover both the FBS and FCS and give likelihoods for each team of winning their conference, making the playoff, and qualifying for specific bowls. We’ll be launching it this coming week in anticipation of the first full weekend of games.

Stay tuned.

Some essays, but mostly blogging about Notre Dame. On Twitter at @StuartNMcGrath
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