We Can Simulate High School (and other) Sports for You

Last night, we had the opportunity to simulate out the remainder of the IHSA boys basketball tournaments (that’s Illinois, for those wondering). It was a blast. The results will be shared in the Chicago Sun-Times over the next few days (here’s a link to the 1A recap), so no spoilers, but we had a lot of fun. Credit and thanks go to Michael O’Brien, the Sun-Times’ sports editor, and Aaron Britton, whose data made this possible.

If you have sporting events you’d like to see simulated, don’t hesitate to get in touch, either via Twitter or by emailing us at allthingsnit@gmail.com (we should really get a new email address—we left the All Things NIT domain over a year ago now). We can’t guarantee we’ll be able to simulate every request, and we can’t guarantee we’ll do a great job, but what we can manage, we’ll manage objectively, with hard data as the source for all simulations.

Some essays, but mostly blogging about Notre Dame. On Twitter at @StuartNMcGrath
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